NSFW / Adult Content

We lay a high priority on Discord's Terms of Services. This Rule is to be followed at any time in any of our Channels when being apart of our Community Server.

It is strictly prohibited to Post any Sensitive Content that can be labeled as NSFW or Adult Content. It is not permitted to Post anything that is in regard or a innuendo to NSFW related Themes.

NSFW/Adult Content Themes include but are not limited to: Porn, Sexual Harassment, War, Political Discussions, Suicide, Murder, known History Themes (ex. World War II, Nazis, Dictatorships etc.), death threats and Memes regarding to any of the above stated Themes.

It is strictly prohibited to send any Links to Websites, Videos, Discord Servers that violate Discord's ToS and our NSFW/Adult Content Rule.

Violating this Rule will have you banned from our Community Server by our Staff.

Last updated